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Focus on the job at hand with Ordbogsprogrammet

A subscription to also buys you access to our desktop program Ordbogsprogrammet for you to adapt to exactly the job you are working on right now.

Get it right here and start using the features right away.

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What can you do in Ordbogsprogrammet?

Work with tabs

Work with tabs

Working on different projects? Set up the desktop app with a different tab for each language and switch easily between them.

Adapt the view

Adapt the view

How would you like to see your dictionaries? Soon we will release different views, allowing you to pick the one that works best for you.

Access at a keystroke

Access at a keystroke

Place Ordbogsprogrammet next to your text document and activate searches easily with keyboard shortcuts.

Woman with notepad

A tool tailored to theĀ professional user

The Ordbogsprogrammet desktop application was developed for professionals. The design features help you optimise your workflow.

Try it now

Once you have tried Ordbogsprogrammet in your daily work and all the advantages it brings you, you won't look back.

It only takes a minute to get it, and you are up and running.